Westinghouse has more than 60 years of experience with manufacturing and testing capabilities for reactor vessel internals, control rod drive mechanisms, reactor coolant pumps and related products from our Newington, New Hampshire, facility.
From very large to very small, we provide mechanical, structural, and electro-mechanical components from Newington, which operates under a robust quality assurance program that meets the requirements of ASME NQA-1 and 10CRF50, Appendix B.
Westinghouse not only produces equipment for new nuclear power plants and replacement parts for operating nuclear units, but we also offer the following services:
To assist in the acceleration of tank closure at the Savannah River Site (SRS), Westinghouse designed, built and tested the innovative technology of the TCCR system. TCCR is a supplemental at-tank process that is removing cesium, a highly radioactive element, from the Cold War legacy salt waste at SRS. The new technology uses an ion exchange process within a self-shielded, self-contained column.