Springfields has a commitment to an ongoing programme of community engagement aimed at the communities surrounding our site. In addition to this, we have a commitment to engaging with education establishments. In 1950, we introduced the Springfields Apprentice Training Scheme, and we continue to recruit innovators, collaborators and future leaders who can help keep us at the forefront of the global nuclear energy industry.
Springfields also hosts visits to the site by our partner schools, colleges, universities – including stakeholder visits. Springfields has a long history of supporting charities and local causes, a core part of our community engagement programme.
Westinghouse employees around the world are also involved in the Women in Nuclear association, helping to raise public awareness of the benefits of nuclear technologies used in the energy, medical, food and space explorations industries.
Westinghouse Women in Nuclear (W-WIN) is an association of Westinghouse Electric Company employees that:
In 1993, a small group of women working in a variety of nuclear fields in Europe and the United States established WIN Global, which today includes over 2,000 professional women and men in 60 countries. The group remains interested in sharing their knowledge about nuclear technologies with women concerned about nuclear applications.