
The Safety, Security and Environmental Reports prepared for the Westinghouse AP1000® are published on this web site. Only information that is commercially confidential or security sensitive is excluded from this public version.

Library of Reports

AP1000 Plant Pre-Construction Safety Report

This generic Pre-Construction Safety Report (PCSR) is a top-tier document within the suite of documents that are to be produced for the GDA of the AP1000, which collectively justify the safety, security and environmental impact of the AP1000 reactor in a UK context.



U.K. AP1000 Plant Environment Report

The Environment Report is a supplement of the information in the UK PCSR. The Environment Report presents an option for managing conventional and radioactive waste at an AP1000 on a generic basis.



Safety Case Documentation - Supporting Documents

The reports in this section provide the evidence to support the claims presented in the Pre-Construction Safety Report, the Environment Report, and the European DCD.