To improve the overall optical quality of underwater inspections, Westinghouse has developed an all-digital, high-definition, underwater inspection system to allow utilities to see what they have been missing.
The Westinghouse BlueRad™ inspection camera system includes the following key features:
BlueRad Inspection Camera System
Controller with External Monitor
Westinghouse strives to deliver on our goal of zero fuel leakers. The BlueRad inspection camera system enables utilities to prevent, identify and remove of debris.
Now, you can see what you have been missing, to assess that a clean, debris free core exists at the end of each refueling.
Westinghouse provides inspection services based on the needs of the individual utility. The inspections are adaptable to site conditions and specific customer needs. Ask us how we can provide this valuable service to your plant!
Westinghouse has combined the latest in optics technology with our extensive fuel inspection experience to build an innovative camera for your inspection needs.
Fuel Assembly Visual Exams
Spent Fuel and Core Gap Inspections
Core Plate Inspection
Upper Internals Inspection
BlueRad™ is a trademark or registered trademark of Westinghouse Electric Company LLC, its affiliates and/or its subsidiaries in the United States of America and may be registered in other countries throughout the world. All rights reserved. Unauthorized use is strictly prohibited. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.