NSSS Component Asset Management

As the operating fleet ages and utilities look to extend the life of their plants, an increased focus is placed on long-term asset management.

Westinghouse technology is the basis for approximately 60% of the U.S. operating nuclear fleet and as the NSSS OEM Westinghouse has the knowledge, experience and technology to support the efficient operation of your plant for the long haul.

Westinghouse Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) provide a wide range of solutions for your aging components including Reactor Vessel Internal component predictive assessments and condition monitoring, Class 1 piping and NSSS fatigue analyses and leak management components including Mechanical Nozzle Seal Assembly (MNSA) and Canopy Seal Clamp Assemblies (CSCA). Westinghouse also offers outage reduction hardware simplifications with Simplified Head Assemblies (SHA).