POMS provides a one-stop-shop for utility obsolescence identification and management.
POMS is a software platform with an underlying service offering that enables nuclear utilities to quickly identify obsolescence challenges
and schedule impact. POMS provides potential solutions and opportunities for collaboration to solve these challenges.
How POMS Works:
- DES collects equipment, inventory, bill of material, work order, and maintenance information from all members.
- DES consolidates manufacturer and model information for all installed equipment and inventory.
- POMS Vendor Contacting Team contacts each vendor one time per year to determine if each model number is still supported along with replacement, lead time, etc.
- This results in a single point of contact for obsolescence identification.
- Allows industry to share costs of identifying obsolescence by utilizing a single point of contact.
- Early notice of obsolescence issues.
- Opportunity for industry collaboration.
- Improved decision-making capability.
- A more complete analysis of equipment Bill of Material
- Data to aid in Parts Planning.
Suite of Tools:
- POMS (Identify)
— Identification of obsolete equipment.
- PM Forecaster (Prioritize - Schedule Impact)
— Date driven obsolescence impact.
- Top List (Prioritize - Vulnerability Impact)
— Vulnerability driven obsolescence impact.
The Standard for Obsolescence Management:
- Current membership includes over 170 nuclear units across North America, South America, Europe and Asia.
- The POMS database houses over 12 million equipment records along with a vast collection of vendor and obsolescence data.
- POMS has gained recognition from agencies such as INPO, WANO, and EPRI.
- DES contacts over 30,000 vendors to update the POMS database on obsolescence issues.
System Features:
- Enhanced searching capability.
- Obsolescence charts and metrics for a given site along with comparison to the industry.
- Obsolescence Reporting.
- Notification system on site impact.
- Database of obsolescence solutions.
- Industry reconstructed Bill of Material (BOM).
- Top Obsolescence List.
- Obsolescence impact by T-week.
- Access to consultations (Live Chat, Feedback, etc.).
Example Screen Image:

Building a Global Reputation:
DES has implemented engineering services and software products across the United States, Canada, Europe, Asia, and South America. In addition to these activities, DES has participated in numerous utility self-assessments, collaborative projects with EPRI, and is an active member of Nuclear Utility Obsolescence Group (NUOG) and the International Nuclear Utilities Obsolescence Group (INUOG).