Around the globe, utilities need a better, smarter way to make informed decisions: ones that minimize outages, lower costs, increase energy output and broaden profit margins. With Westinghouse’s OptiLifeTM Service Center, our dedicated experts make data-driven management more efficient — and effective — than ever.
Utilities do it for $1.6M; we can do it for $1M, saving you 38% in annual procurement engineering costs.
Shrink Costs
Save Time
Westinghouse’s in-house engineering team leverages decades of industry experience and knowledge, along with global data, to enhance predictive and preventive maintenance, obsolescence management and other functions.
Westinghouse’s experts apply automated analytical techniques to a data set — collected from hundreds of international plants — visualizing information and fueling smarter business decisions.
By partnering with Westinghouse’s engineers, utilities can intelligently reallocate capital, effectively streamlining resource usage while increasing overall plant viability.