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Acoustic Side Branch Technology

To resolve flow induced acoustic resonance in piping systems, Westinghouse can perform plant specific subscale testing to determine the source of the resonance and the optimal design change required to prevent it. For many plants, this design change involves the implementation of an acoustic side branch (ASB) in the existing piping system. Westinghouse has experience in testing and designing ASBs for several plants with flow induced acoustic resonances. The implementation of ASBs has proven to be an effective solution in reducing the magnitude of mechanical stress in the system and audible tones produced as a result of the resonance.

Advanced Logic System® Platform

Westinghouse has developed the Advanced Logic System® (ALS®) platform as a new approach to safety-critical control systems. It is a universal platform that targets safety-critical control systems, where reliability and integrity are of the highest importance. The ALS platform is a logic-based platform that does not utilize a microprocessor or software for operation, but instead relies on simple hardware architecture.

Advanced Rod Control Hybrid

The Westinghouse Solid State Rod Control System (SSRCS) has been in operation at many plants for over 30 years. This system has been very reliable but obsolescence concerns are increasing and personnel experience for the analog control system is difficult to maintain in the modern, digital world. The system also has limited diagnostics and can be time consuming to troubleshoot, increasing downtime.

Aging Management and License Renewal Support Services

Aging management is a technical process that provides reasonable assurance that the aging of important nuclear power plant systems, structures and components (SSC) is being managed so they will continue to perform their intended function(s). Outside the United States, the aging-management process is being utilized to confirm the aging-management elements of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) Periodic Safety Review (PSR) process. Most member states require a PSR review once every 10 years for continued plant operation. In the United States, the aging-management process provides compliance with the requirements for obtaining a renewed operating license. License renewal is a regulatory process that allows a nuclear plant in the United States to extend its operating license for an additional 20 years (beyond the 40 years of its original license). Whether applied to the PSR or license renewal, this process provides an extremely cost-effective way to assure available generation capability into the future.

ASME & Safety-Related Component Supply

"The Westinghouse Nuclear Components Manufacturing (NCM) facility in Newington, New Hampshire has been producing large ASME Code and safety-related nuclear components for over 40 years. First of a Kind (FOAK), complex, and high-precision products are continually delivered to schedule and contractual financial requirements. "

Asset Management Program

Reliable and proper overhead crane performance is important to ensure personnel safety, nuclear safety, and the protection of important assets such as the reactor vessel internals, the reactor pressure vessel (RPV) head, fuel assemblies, and dry fuel storage casks.

Automated Neutron Noise

An alternative to visual RVIs inspection has been to remotely monitor the behavior of the RVIs using the Nuclear Instrumentation System (NIS) ex-core neutron flux detectors. All Westinghouse and CE PWRs have in their NIS, ex-core detectors to measure core power level.

Baffle Bolt Services

"Irradiation assisted stress corrosion cracking of reactor vessel internals is an important consideration as nuclear plants reach extended lifetimes. One component that is critical to maintaining the structural integrity of the internals and that has been shown to be susceptible to aging mechanisms is the baffle-to-former bolts (or baffle bolts)."

Balance of Plant and In-service Inspections

Westinghouse, through its subsidiary WesDyne International, provides nondestructive examination (NDE) services and inspection equipment for both the nuclear and non-nuclear power generation industries.

Balance of Plant Engineering (BOP) Services

Westinghouse provides balance of plant (BOP) engineering services that deliver solutions across the entire plant. From specialty consulting to integrated, comprehensive solutions for engineering projects, Westinghouse’s BOP engineering and project management teams understand customer needs and address them to optimize plant performance.

Balance of Plant Engineering and Component Installation Services

Westinghouse provides balance of plant (BOP) engineering and component installation (E&CI) services that deliver engineering solutions across the entire plant, beyond traditional steam supply system services. From specialty consulting to integrated, comprehensive solutions for engineering projects, Westinghouse’s BOP E&CI services integrate customers’ needs and address them to optimize plant performance.

Bare Metal Visual Inspection with Cleaning - Reactor Vessel Head and Reactor Vessel Bottom

PWR operators are required to perform bare metal visual (BMV) inspections of their Reactor Vessel Heads (RVH) including the interface around each CRDM / CEDM penetration, head vent (if present), and 100 percent of the bare metal down to the flange in accordance with code case N-729-6.

Battery Operated CEA Extension Shaft COupling/Uncoupling Tool (SCOUT 2.0)

SCOUT 2.0 is a semi-automated system that keeps all of the advantages of the original SCOUT while significantly reducing pneumatic and hydraulic maintenance issues.

Blast Analysis and Design Capabilities

Westinghouse provides full-scope blast analysis and design capability to address needs for commercial and critical infrastructure clients.

BlueRad™ 5-Sided Fuel Inspection Service

Since 2013, debris-induced fuel failures have led to declining fuel performance industrywide as addressed in INPO Event Report 19-6. Not only do these failures lead to increased fission products in the reactor coolant system (RCS),

Boiling Water Reactor Services

Westinghouse, the world’s pioneering nuclear power company, supplied the world’s first commercial pressurized water reactor (PWR) in 1957 at Shippingport, Pennsylvania (USA). Today, the company is a fully integrated, worldwide supplier of both PWR and boiling water reactor (BWR) services.

Buried Pipe Products and Services for the Buried Piping Integrity Initiative

Buried piping aging is an ongoing challenge in operating plants. The Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) Nuclear Strategic Issues Advisory Committee (NSIAC) letter (NEI APC-09-53 Buried Piping Integrity Initiative) highlights the importance of maintaining the reliability of aging buried piping systems and how maintenance impacts license renewal.

Canopy Seal Clamp Assembly (CSCA™)

Small leaks in pressurized water reactor (PWR) head penetrations can prevent a nuclear power plant from returning to power and cause expensive delays until a fix is devised. An increasing number of plants are reporting primary coolant leaks in the field-welded canopy seal area. To control these kinds of leaks, Westinghouse offers a full range of products and services including a unique mechanical clamp assembly named the Canopy Seal Clamp Assembly (CSCA™).

CDM Diagnostic Test System

As the nuclear fleet ages, Westinghouse- and Combustion Engineering (CE)-designed plants are experiencing a greater number of Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM)- and Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM)-related issues. These issues can range from improper polarity between coils; failed splices within coils; past operation of coils at excessive temperatures or current causing turn-to-turn shorts; cable and connector degradation; latch assembly wear; crud induced mis-stepping [2]; and failed latch assembly springs [1].

CEDM High Temperature Coil Stack/Gripper Coils

Combustion Engineering (CE) Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) coils have been in use for more than 40 years with a respectable operating history. However, the upper gripper coil, which is normally energized continuously in order to hold the control rod at the full out position, has been found to be under particular stress. As a result, the CE CEDM upper gripper coil is prone to early failures, accelerated by excessively high voltage or exposure to temperatures above its design value.

CEDM High Temperature Gripper Coils

Westinghouse has developed replacement Combustion Engineering (CE) Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) High Temperature (HT) Upper and Lower Gripper Coils that have much higher temperature capability than the original CEDM gripper coil design. CE CEDM coils from the standard CE design have been in use for more than 40 years with a respectable operating history. However, the upper gripper coil, which is normally energized continuously in order to hold the control rod at the full out position, is under particular stress. As a result, the CE CEDM Upper Gripper Coil may fail after several years of service. Its failure is accelerated by excessively high voltage or exposure to temperatures above its design value.

Chemistry Services

Chemistry performance in a nuclear power plant strongly influences the efficiency of power operation, refueling outages, and routine maintenance. Utilities’ chemistry needs range from approval of consumable compatibility to a complete range of chemistry support for operations and outages.

Chrome-plated Flux Thimbles

Instances of flux thimble tube wear and leakage observed in operating Westinghouse designed reactors with bottom mounted instrumentation have been attributed to flow-induced vibrations in the lower internals support column area. As a result, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued Bulletin 88-09, “Thimble Tube Thinning in Westinghouse Reactors,” which instructs affected utilities to establish and implement inspection programs to periodically confirm thimble tube integrity.

Civil and Structural Engineering Capabilities

Westinghouse provides full-scope civil and structural engineering capabilities and offers a broad range of solutions for the nuclear power industry. Westinghouse has a long history of providing innovative solutions to address customer needs to meet code, regulatory, and other unique requirements.

Class 1E Low-voltage Motors and Engineering Services

To maintain Class 1E qualification standards when replacing low-voltage motors, Westinghouse Nuclear Services offers a range of motors manufactured to original Westinghouse specifications and qualification standards for safety-related Class 1E applications in nuclear power plants.

Class 1E Medium-voltage Motors and Engineering Service

To help utilities maintain Class 1E qualification standards when replacing Westinghouse mediumvoltage motors, Westinghouse rotating equipment services (RES) offers interchangeable mediumvoltage motors in the World Series, Lifeline D, Lifeline A and Type CSP designs for safety-related Class 1E applications

Commercial Grade Dedication

The Westinghouse Solution Westinghouse has made significant investments in equipment and skilled resources to perform a wide variety of commercial grade dedication. This team of qualified inspectors, technicians and engineers experienced in executing CGD activities enables Westinghouse to dedicate any type of component from fuses and bolts to circuit breakers and electrical cabinets.

Computerized Procedures System

Background Computerized procedures were developed to help operators execute normal and emergency operating procedures. Westinghouse has designed, developed and implemented a datadriven, software-based computerized procedures system (CPS) that guides operators through plant operating procedures. It monitors plant data, processes the data and then, based on this processing, presents the status of the procedure steps to the operator. The system can be used for normal operating procedures, abnormal operating procedures and emergency operating procedures. Computerized procedures allow the operator and computer to complement each other for more accurate and efficient procedural execution.

Configuration Management Interface System

The Configuration Management Interface System (CMIS)TM is a paperless, web-based solution to implement and manage engineering deliverables for the nuclear industry.

Configuration Management Interface System – 10CFR50.59/72.48 Module

The Configuration Management Interface System (CMIS)TM is a paperless, web-based solution to implement and manage engineering deliverables for the nuclear industry. The main feature of the application is CMISDP (Design Process), which implements the U.S. Standard Design Process (IP-ENG-001).

Configuration Management Interface System – Closure Module

The Configuration Management Interface System (CMIS)TM is a paperless, web-based solution to implement and manage engineering deliverables for the nuclear industry. The main feature of the application is CMISDP (Design Process), which implements the U.S. Standard Design Process (IP-ENG-001).

Core Exit Thermocouple Nozzle Assembly (CETNA™)

The thermocouple nozzles on Westinghouse reactor vessel heads have two primary pressure boundary seals that have to be disassembled during each refueling outage: an upper and a lower Conoseal® joint. Each of these joints uses a Conoseal metal seal for the pressure boundary. If a seal fails during a refueling outage, the system has to be depressurized and drained below the seal elevation. After replacing the seal, the system must be refilled and vented, adding more than a day to critical path work and resulting in a significant increase in man-rem exposure.

Creating Member Value and High Return on Investment

The PWROG consists of 1,800 members representing utilities that own a combined 180 Pressurized Water Reactor-designed nuclear power plants all over the world.

Critical Control System Modeling and Tuning

Analog and digital control systems frequently perform poorly due to improperly selected control setpoints that resulted from on-the-fly tuning. To help address tuning problems, Westinghouse has developed a Nuclear Steam Supply System (NSSS)/Feedwater (FW) control system & plant model for use in modeling evaluations. It can also be used for support of on-site control system tuning. The NSSS/FW control system model has been developed for use with Westinghouse, Combustion Engineering (CE), and non-Westinghouse designed plants worldwide.

Design for Manufacturability (DFM)

Westinghouse has been manufacturing nuclear components at our Newington, New Hampshire Nuclear Components Manufacturing (NCM) facility for over 40 years. A key differentiator that enables the repeated successful performance of challenging manufacturing projects at NCM is the emphasis on upfront manufacturability and prototyping collaboration.

Digital Optimization Services

Digital Optimization Services Reduce Utility Costs and Improve Equipment Reliability Around the globe, utilities need a better, smarter way to make informed decisions that minimize outages, lower costs, increase energy output, and broaden profit margins.

Digital Rod Position Indication Advanced Display System

Benefits Summary ,The Westinghouse DADS offers these benefits: Minimal installation time (approximately two hours), Fits inside the same footprint as the original DRPI display system using the same interface connections

DYNAMIC PORT® Oil Sensing Upgrade

The oil level indicating system on Westinghouse reactor coolant pump (RCP) motors monitors the oil inventory within the bearing oil reservoir. The concept behind the original system used on the lower oil reservoir on RCP motors was a simple transference of oil level from inside the bearing oil reservoir to an alarm reservoir and sight glass that is external to the lower oil reservoir.

Electro-mechanical Assembly and Instrumentation and Control Shop Capabilities

Combustion Engineering (CE) Control Element Drive Mechanism (CEDM) coils have been in use for more than 40 years with a respectable operating history. However, the upper gripper coil, which is normally energized continuously in order to hold the control rod at the full out position, has been found to be under particular stress. As a result, the CE CEDM upper gripper coil is prone to early failures, accelerated by excessively high voltage or exposure to temperatures above its design value.

Engineered Leak Rate No. 1 Seal for Reactor Coolant Pumps

Reactor coolant pump (RCP) control leak-off seal performance is heavily influenced by a variety of plant and environmental conditions that can directly impact the RCP seal leak-off rate, the dominant variable used to evaluate seal performance. Unplanned forced outages or an extension of an outage can result if leak-off rates approach their lower or higher operating limits.

Enhanced Inventory Management

Many nuclear utilities are struggling with high inventory levels and cost, while still facing vulnerabilities of not stocking parts critical to safety and plant operation. Enhanced Inventory Management addresses these challenges by reducing inventory levels and associated costs. The service is a key element of the OptiLifeTM Service Center which utilizes Westinghouse’s industry-best data capabilities and engineering subject matter experts to optimize inventory for our customers.

Enhanced Inventory Management - Outage

Many nuclear utilities are challenged to identify gaps with respect to parts needs for upcoming outages. Due to long lead times and lack of work demand visibility, these gaps result in a lack of preparedness for planned outage scope.

Enhanced Procurement Engineering

Nuclear utilities are struggling with a strategic approach to managing the overwhelming challenges in Procurement Engineering. Customer have been challenged with the headwinds of obsolescence, attrition, retention and wasteful spend while determining solutions to Procurement Engineering Challenges in a cost-effective and efficient manner.

Equipment Qualification Testing Services

Westinghouse's Qualification Operations, has been an industry leader in providing equipment qualification services to the nuclear industry for over 40 years and is headquartered in New Stanton, Pennsylvania (USA) with global operations.

External Flooding Probabilistic Risk Assessment Analysis: Identification of Plant Vulnerabilities

All nuclear power plants must consider and evaluate external flooding risks such as flash flooding from rain, river flooding, dam failure, hurricane and tsunami. These events challenge off-site power, threaten many on-site plant mitigation components, challenge the integrity of plant structures and limit plant access. Plants must understand the impact of these events in order to fully comprehend and prepare for these plant risks. Existing plant mitigation procedures may not be adequate to deal with these types of events.

Feedwater Control System Upgrades

Since the late 1980s, industry data has consistently identified the feedwater system as one of the top two major system contributors to the number of automatic reactor trips, with poor feedwater control as a significant root cause. In response, Westinghouse has provided leading feedwater control upgrade technology as the basis for numerous retrofits currently operating in dozens of nuclear units worldwide, dating back to its first wave of digital upgrades in the late 1980s that initially utilized the WDPF® Instrumentation and Control (I&C) platform.

Filtered Containment Venting: The Dry Filter Method

Safe and expedient pressure release from reactor containment to the atmosphere must occur so that containment integrity can be maintained if pressure builds up in containment during a severe accident. A filtered containment venting system (FCVS) is necessary to perform such a containment depressurization effectively while minimizing the radioactivity released into the environment.

Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA)

A Fire PRA is required to implement plant transition to NFPA 805, as well as to meet NRC Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.200 requirements (i.e., technical adequacy of PRA results for risk informed activities). NFPA 805 is a standard developed by the National Fire Protection Association that provides a risk-informed, performance-based alternative to a plant’s current fire protection program. NUREG/CR-6850 is the NRC-endorsed guidance for developing a Fire PRA that meets the Fire PRA Standard, ANS 58.23.

Fire Probabilistic Risk Assessment and National Fire Protection Association 805 Compliance

The Westinghouse Fire Risk Services Team is a one-stop shop for all aspects of nuclear power plant fire protection and fire risk assessment.

Flux Mapping System – Flux Mapping Console and Detector Drive System Upgrades, Enhancements and Replacements

Westinghouse has been providing its Flux Mapping System (FMS) for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) since the beginning of the commercial nuclear power industry. The FMS provided by Westinghouse and systems based on the Westinghouse technology and design are in operation in nearly 50 percent of the operating plants worldwide. Replacement systems and upgrades also have been provided to PWR FMSs.

Fuel-Handling System Maintenance

Westinghouse, offers pre- and post-installation service and support for both fuel-handling and outagecritical cranes. A year-round support program, it was developed to focus on this equipment before, during, and after an outage. By targeting these areas, our procedures remain current, maintenance items are addressed quickly, spare parts are optimized, and upgrades are evaluated.

Full-scope Refueling Services

Since 1968, Westinghouse has provided premier customer-focused refueling services for hundreds of plant outages worldwide. Our vast experience is unequaled in the industry and uniquely qualifies us to offer superior services.

Fully Integrated Regulatory Guide 1.200 Simplified Level 2 Probabilistic Risk Assessment Model

Regulatory Guide (RG) 1.200 endorses the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) consensus standard for internal events probabilistic risk assessment (PRA), which includes a set of minimal requirements for PRA modeling of large early release frequency (LERF). As the use of PRA in the nuclear industry matures, the capability of plant-specific LERF models, particularly those used in regulatory operations, must meet these standards.

Gemini RVHI System

Operating nuclear plants are required to perform various Non-Destructive Examinations (NDE) of their Reactor Vessel Heads (RVHs) in accordance with federal regulations and ASME Code Section XI.

Global Pump & Motor Services

At Westinghouse, pump and motor service is one of our primary specialties. For over 35 years, we’ve designed and manufactured pumps and motors for the nuclear industry. As this equipment ages, it must be maintained, repaired, or sometimes replaced.

High-power Motor Test System

With the new high-power motor test system, Westinghouse has expanded full functional testing capabilities for the nuclear industry. With the addition of the following upgrades, Westinghouse is even better able to serve its customers.

Hydrogen Production Capabilities

The Westinghouse Solution Westinghouse is committed to bringing efficient, large-scale hydrogen production to nuclear facilities through operating plant integration and advanced reactor designs. Clean hydrogen supports societal decarbonization while yielding a significant, yet flexible revenue stream to utilities around the world. Westinghouse is positioned to be a full-scale hydrogen partner, maximizing power output, modernizing plants for long term operations and monetizing hydrogen production.

I & C and Electrical Services

Westinghouse has more than 40 years of experience providing integrated specialty maintenance and technical services. We provide experienced project management and union and non-union labor who understand the demands of our customers and deliver quality I&C, Electrical Maintenance and Specialty Services. Our capabilities include MWO reduction, implementation testing and procedure writing as well as training services.

Independent Review of Probabilistic Risk Assessment

Westinghouse provides an independent review of probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) program studies to help customers show that their PRAs meet applicable technical-quality requirements. Per Revision 2 of Regulatory Guide 1.200, PRAs used for risk-informed regulatory applications must meet certain technical adequacy and quality requirements, as determined by the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) and the American Nuclear Society (ANS) PRA Standard (RA-S-2008).

Information and Control Systems Platform

Background The Information and Control (I&C) Systems Platform is a non-safety distributed computer system for Category B and Category C applications. The platform has been applied in numerous nuclear retrofit projects, and is the standard basis for non-safety related nuclear I&C systems in Westinghouse new-build projects worldwide.

Instrumentation and Control Field Services

Background A 1992 Electric Power Research Institute study identified nuclear instrumentation and control (I&C) systems as major contributors to plant operating and maintenance (O&M) costs as well as the leading cause of licensee event reports.

Integrated Hydrogen Monitoring Solutions for Severe Accidents

Background During a severe accident or a beyond-design-basis accident (BDBA), the reaction of water with zirconium alloy fuel cladding, radiolysis of water, molten coriumconcrete interaction (MCCI) and post-accident corrosion can generate hydrogen (H2). The total mass of H2 produced in-vessel depends on several factors. For most reactors, it is on the order of 1,000 kilograms. High peak rates for H2 release to the containment of up to several kg/s can result from discontinuous releases from the reactor pressure vessel. The detonation of H2 can result in damage to structures such as containment buildings or spent fuel buildings. In all reactor designs, H2 monitors can be utilized to monitor the risk of containment or spent fuel building damage due to H2 detonations.

Integrated Outage Model

Westinghouse is uniquely qualified to perform turn-key services utilizing its OEM experience, state-of-the-art technology and skilled workforce to help utilities successfully complete outage campaigns. We have excelled in performing these services for over 40 years, on five continents, resulting in top-quartile performance for our clients. Together, we have achieved safe operations, extended component life, and maximized power output.

Internal Flooding Probabilistic Risk Assessment

An internal flooding (IF) risk assessment refers to the quantitative probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) treatment of flooding as a result of pipe and tank breaks inside the plants, as well as from other recognized flood sources. The industry consensus standard for Internal Events Probabilistic Risk Assessment (American Society of Mechanical Engineers/American Nuclear Society [ASME/ANS] RA-Sa-2009) includes high-level and supporting technical requirements for developing an internal flooding PRA (IF-PRA).

License Renewal Implementation

With nuclear power plants (NPPs) extending their licenses, there is a large backlog of work that must be performed prior to entering the period of extended operation. After the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) grants a plant a new license, the plant must fulfill a significant number of commitments before entering the period of extended operation. To satisfy all the commitments, many smaller tasks must be completed. Reductions in staff and a subsequent loss of experience are issues when completing the required commitments.

Long-Term Operations

To keep your plant operating for the long-term, you need to think beyond the problems of today. To empower your colleagues, your neighbors and your community to reach your net-zero goals, you need strategic solutions that will elevate your capabilities for whatever comes next. Your organization must make critical investment decisions based on a variety of factors – from economic, infrastructure and material to social and political conditions. But to keep your plant running successfully into the future, you need more than an investment plan – you need a partner.

Machine Shop Capabilities

At its nuclear parts operations shop in New Stanton, Pennsylvania (USA), Westinghouse provides full machine shop capabilities, offering both computer numerically controlled (CNC) and manual machine lathes as well as vertical milling machines (two-axis and three-axis CNC machining). The full-time tool and die makers who operate the machine shop have a combined 250 years of experience and can accommodate prototyping, one-piece runs and both low- and high-quantity production runs. The Westinghouse machine shop is certified for American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) machining.

Main Control Room Annunciators

Control Room Annunciators are an integral part of a nuclear plant’s main control room that alert operations staff visually and audibly when an abnormal plant condition occurs. Annunciator systems in today’s operating fleet are often original plant equipment facing mechanical fatigue (aging), component obsolescence, and limited flexibility to incorporate modern approaches to plant operations.

Main Control Room Modernization

Westinghouse has developed a modular approach to designing custom main control rooms (MCRs) as part of an instrumentation and control (I&C) system modernization program for new plant designs. The MCR modernization program comprises the human systems interface (HSI) building blocks to modernize an MCR, as well as the integration of standard, software-based HSI resources using the building-block approach. Examples of MCR configurations are based on this approach, which supports new plant construction and existing plant modernizations.

Mechanical Engineering and Design

The Westinghouse BOP and Design Engineering mechanical engineers have decades of experiences providing support to a wide range of engineering activities at power generation, oil & gas, and industrial infrastructure projects. Westinghouse provides a wide range of services for integrated, comprehensive projects from minor modifications to complex component replacements and plant-wide modifications.

Metrology Solutions

The ability to measure is critical to the successful execution of any kind of project. Work of any kind requires precise measurement systems to provide repeatable, accurate measurements. Westinghouse, through its welding and machining group of companies, understands the importance of this need, and offers a wide array of metrology services.

Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) Training

The nuclear industry continues to experience significant pressure to reduce costs, yet the safe and efficient operation of nuclear power plants requires well-trained, highly competent staff. Research evidence from Mind, Brain and Education (MBE) science can improve the efficiency of nuclear industry training practices; but, instructors and instructional designers must first understand these findings to align content and instruction with how people learn most effectively and efficiently.

Mitigation Technology for Reactor Internal Components: Laser Peening

Stress corrosion cracking (SCC) of nuclear steam supply systems poses a significant problem for the nuclear industry.

NextGen RPI

The Westinghouse Solution Westinghouse’s patent-pending NextGEN RPI design offers a cost-effective solution to resolve all Analog Rod Position Indication (ARPI) shortcomings and provide a simplified upgrade solution for ARPI and Digital Rod Position Indication (DRPI) plants.

Non-Destructive Examination Services

Westinghouse has been producing complex, high integrity equipment at our Nuclear Components Manufacturing (NCM) facility in Newington, New Hampshire for over 40 years. This activity requires a robust Quality Assurance (QA) program and extensive inspection and nondestructive examination (NDE) capabilities. Let our Level II and Level III NDE Inspectors and other highly experienced personnel handle your outsourced NDE needs.

Non-LOCA Safety Analysis Services

Background Westinghouse maintains responsibility for the final safety analysis report (FSAR), and nonloss- of-coolant accident (LOCA) analyses for numerous Westinghouse-, Combustion Engineering- (CE-) and non Westinghousedesigned plants worldwide, including the System-80+ and the Westinghouse AP1000™ plant designs.

Nuclear Automation Product Portfolio

Westinghouse is a global leader in the supply and support of nuclear plant instrumentation and control (I&C) upgrades, engineering services, plant modernizations and new plant design. The Westinghouse Nuclear Automation product portfolio covers all areas of system operation over the life of the plant. Products include instrumentation, safety systems, control systems, plant information systems, diagnostics and monitoring systems, engineering services for functional upgrades, control system analysis and optimization, and operating margin recovery.

Nuclear Component Repair Center Auxiliary Motor Services

Westinghouse’s Nuclear Component Repair Center (NCRC) in Madison, Pennsylvania (USA), provides the nuclear industry access to the most experienced quality and safety-conscious resources for pump, motor and component engineering and repair services. The NCRC has a large and well-equipped repair machine shop for working on contaminated equipment and supporting a full scope of services.

Nuclear Resin Services

Westinghouse is best positioned to design and deliver customized services using resins, for various applications, on nuclear sites. Resins are highly adaptable to specific customer needs.

OptiLife™ Service Center

Around the globe, utilities need a better, smarter way to make informed decisions: ones that minimize outages, lower costs, increase energy output and broaden profit margins. With Westinghouse’s OptiLife™ Service Center, our dedicated experts make data-driven management more efficient — and effective — than ever.

Parts Quality Program Testing and Inspection

The Westinghouse Solution INPO IER 21-4 recommends the implementation of a sustainable parts quality process that considers an item’s consequences of failure or degradation to address a steady trend of equipment-related consequential events in the industry. The Westinghouse Parts Quality Program (PQP) was developed under our world-class Quality Program and leverages Westinghouse’s extensive nuclear plant component and system knowledge, parts engineering expertise and specialized testing capabilities to deliver on the INPO Parts Quality Recommendation. The 100,000 sq. ft. Westinghouse Parts Business technical center in New Stanton, PA (USA) is fully equipped and ready to supply original Westinghouse parts in line with your site Parts Quality Initiative.

Permanent Cavity Seal Rings – Narrow Gap and Wide Gap

The annulus gap between the reactor vessel and the containment cavity floor must be sealed to permit the flood-up required for refueling and reactor internal maintenance activities. This sealing is accomplished by installing a temporary pool seal into the annulus gap. The installation of these “temporary” seals is a critical path process that lengthens outage duration as well as increases worker exposure. These seals have also been known to experience leakage, which negatively impacts both outage and normal operation processes.

Phased Array Examinations of Reactor Vessel Nozzle Dissimilar Metal Welds

Operators of Pressurized Water Reactors (PWRs) with reactor vessel (RV) nozzle dissimilar metal (DM) safe-end welds, which are susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking, are required to examine those welds with increased frequency unless mitigating actions are taken. Requirements for these examinations are specified in American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Section XI, Code Case N-770 latest approved revision specified in 10CFR50.55a.

Piping and Component Repair and Replacement

Westinghouse, through its welding and machining group of companies, has the technology and capability to provide safe, effective and reliable repair techniques that contribute to shorter outages. Furthermore, Westinghouse has the design engineering expertise and the technology needed to meet or exceed all code, regulatory and design requirements.

Plant Licensing Support

Westinghouse provides Plant Licensing (PL) support to aid individual safety analyses groups in licensing activities, from preparing engineering/licensing reports to supporting Request for Additional Information (RAI) from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC).

Plant Process Computer System

The Plant Process Computer system (PPC), or plant computer, is a plant-wide information system for new and retrofit plants. The PPC consists of data acquisition and presentation layer components, with configurable, reusable software programs for performing nuclear plant performance and monitoring applications. PPC uses a redundant network design with advanced connectivity features that provides high capacity data transmission and reliable external system communications via standard and custom protocols.

Plant Protection System

The plant protection system monitors plant temperatures, pressures, levels, flows and nuclear instrumentation system outputs. If these parameters exceed plant safety limits, the system issues “partial reactor trip” and “engineered safeguards” commands. The plant protection system sends isolated analog output signals to the plant control system, the data processing and monitoring system, and the main control board. It also provides alarm outputs to the plant annunciator system. The plant protection system can be supplied with an interface to the data processing and monitoring system, or implemented as a standalone upgrade to the existing plant system. When supplied with an interface, a phased approach permits small stand-alone upgrades to be eventually integrated into a total plant information network.

Pressurizer Heater Replacement Services

In 2010, an international plant was shut down due to primary coolant leakage from a serviceinduced crack in a deformed pressurizer heater well insert (HWI). Intergranular stress corrosion cracking had initiated on the outside diameter surfaces of the heater sheaths, allowing primary water to enter the heater elements. The primary water then reacted with the magnesium oxide insulation inside of the heater internals, resulting in volume increase and subsequent splitting of the heater sheaths and HWIs.

Preventive Maintenance Optimization

Westinghouse is uniquely positioned to help nuclear utilities implement and maintain an industry leading Preventive Maintenance Program based on its engineering expertise, data analysis capabilities, and ongoing technical support for plant maintenance and operations.

Proactive Obsolescence Management System

The POMS Suite is the leading software for obsolescence management in the nuclear industry, with data from 190+ worldwide nuclear units. It is a web-based software tool, that has been in operation for over 15 years, which centralizes obsolescence issue identification and solution sharing into a one standard nuclear industry platform.

Proactive Obsolescence Management System (POMS)

POMS is a software platform with an underlying service offering that enables nuclear utilities to quickly identify obsolescence challenges and schedule impact. POMS provides potential solutions and opportunities for collaboration to solve these challenges.

Probabilistic Risk Assessment Operational Assistance Co-sourcing and Outsourcing

As the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) and risk applications quickly become part of the fabric of plant operation and licensing, the time demands on a utility’s current PRA staff are continually increasing to support workday scheduling, outage planning and emergent plant configurations.

Procedures Development and Maintenance

Starting with the first commercial Westinghouse-design nuclear power plants, Westinghouse has been involved in the development of generic, as well as plant specific, guidance for response to plant events. Following the Three Mile Island (TMI) accident, the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) issued NUREG-0899, which provided requirements for utility preparation and implementation of emergency operating procedures (EOP), including development, writing and maintenance. This was followed by NUREG-1358, in which the NRC reinforced its expectations with respect to the plantspecific technical guidelines, EOP writers guide, EOP verification and validation (V&V) and EOP training. Together, these regulations comprise the plant-specific procedure generation package (PGP).

Pump and Motor Field Services

Westinghouse is the most trusted worldwide industry leader to provide support for all facets of pump, motor and seal field maintenance and repair activities.

Radiation Engineering and Analysis

Operators of nuclear power plants frequently face problems that require accurate characterization and analysis of radiation. The wide-ranging difficult issues that can arise can be far beyond the scope of typical radiation analyses, such as nuclear fuel design and accident analysis services. The Westinghouse team of radiation experts can answer the tough questions on radiation analysis, and Westinghouse offers a suite of products to assist with radiation and thermal measurements.

Rapid Response Capability

The WESDYNE® INTERNATIONAL team has proven its capability to solve the most complex and urgent inspection challenges in the nuclear industry in a safe and efficient manner.

Reactor Cavity Services

In today’s market, the primary focus is to “do more with less.” Utilities no longer have the luxury of keeping all functions needed to run their businesses in-house. With the deregulation of the electric utility industry and the continuous push to lower costs associated with the production of electricity, many utilities need to outsource more and more of the functions they once performed themselves to remain competitive. As the foremost nuclear service supplier, Westinghouse offers a comprehensive, costeffective solution to a utility’s long-term viability.

Reactor Coolant Pressure Boundary Instrumentation Nozzle Contingency Repair

Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 600 materials and instrument nozzle Alloy 182/82 welds has become a top industry concern for PWR plants. PWSCC has produced significant losses in power generation and attracted considerable regulatory attention. There are many locations within the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) that can contain Alloy 600 base metal or weld metal that can be susceptible to PWSCC over time. Additionally, previously replaced instrument nozzles may also leak due to weld flaws.

Reactor Coolant Pump Motor Shop Services

During the life of a nuclear power plant, more than just routine inspections of a reactor coolant pump (RCP) motor are necessary to help prevent unscheduled or extended outages. It is recommended that RCP motors be sent to a service center to be disassembled.

Reactor Coolant Pump Seals

In addition to being the original manufacturer of reactor coolant pump (RCP) seals, Westinghouse provides full-scope seal services to the nuclear industry. From the sale of replacement seals and components, to engineering support and testing, Westinghouse is the one-stop shop for seal related needs.

Reactor Coolant Pump: Sigma™ Seal

The Westinghouse Sigma Reactor Coolant Pump Seal provides reliable performance and costs savings to support safe and longterm plant operation.

Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs)

Westinghouse has designed, manufactured and refurbished hundreds of reactor coolant pumps (RCPs) for the global market, allowing Westinghouse to amass extensive experience and expertise in providing dependable RCPs, for the continued success of its customers. As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM), Westinghouse maintains and has ready access to the original as-built records, which provide the resources to:

Reactor Coolant Pumps (RCPs) Products & Services

As an original equipment manufacturer (OEM) of RCPs, Westinghouse is uniquely qualified to provide full-scope and technical advisory service for all facets of pump and motor field maintenance and repair. With over 60 years of quality service and technological knowhow, we perform dozens of jobs for utilities worldwide each year. In addition to providing routine and full-scope services, technological expertise and customer commitment has made Westinghouse the vendor of choice in critical emergency repair situations. Field services for routine maintenance and emergency repair use the extensive resources of the Westinghouse network of pump- and motor-related facilities and personnel.

Reactor Services Customer Tooling Refurbishment

Westinghouse operates a state-of-the-art service center to perform tooling refurbishments to assist utilities with tooling maintenance. This service center is staffed with experienced full-time tooling engineers and technicians and has the equipment and mock-ups required to perform proper maintenance and functionality checks to maintain reliability during refueling outages.

Reactor Services Training

Westinghouse has provided refueling training services for pressurized water reactor plants at its Waltz Mill site in Madison, Pennsylvania (USA), for more than 20 years. This training, conducted in the site’s D-bay, is intended for refueling senior reactor operators, fuel/insert movement technicians, site refueling coordinators and fuel equipment engineers. All of the training programs combine formal classroom instruction with handson lab exercises to maximize student learning and skills development. The refueling training facility at the Waltz Mill site includes a complete and fully operational array of actual refueling equipment identical to that found in a typical reactor containment structure.

Reactor Stud and Nut Turnout System

The Stud and Nut Turnout System contains a stud turnout tool, a nut runner tool, a load follower, and all the necessary batteries and adaptors.

Reactor Vessel Bottom Mounted Instrumentation (BMI) Nozzle Contingency Repair

Primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC) of Alloy 600 materials and bottom mounted instrumentation (BMI) Alloy 182/82 welds has become a top industry concern for pressurized water reactor (PWR) plants. PWSCC has produced significant availability losses and attracted considerable regulatory attention. There are many locations within the reactor coolant pressure boundary (RCPB) that contain Alloy 600 base metal or weld metal that could be susceptible to PWSCC over time.

Reactor Vessel Closure Head Replacement

Nuclear power plants with reactor vessel closure heads (RVCHs) containing Alloy 600 base materials and Alloy 182 weld materials are susceptible to primary water stress corrosion cracking (PWSCC). In response to this concern, a number of PWR utilities have replaced their RVCHs. Replacements also provide an ideal opportunity to implement upgrades; this significantly reduces outage duration and dose, as well as addresses personnel safety issues that may exist during reactor disassembly and reassembly. To offer our customers a solution to this problem, Westinghouse has created a program to develop and implement RVCH upgrades integrated with the design and installation of a new RVCH that uses Alloy 690 and Alloy 152. Because these alloys aren’t prone to PWSCC, this is a risk- reducing option.

Reactor Vessel Surveillance Capsule Evaluation and Fabrication Programs

Background Westinghouse provides post-irradiation testing and evaluation of the reactor vessel material specimens, thermal monitors and dosimeters contained in the surveillance capsules to monitor the effects of neutron irradiation on the reactor vessel beltline materials under actual operating conditions.

Replica Process 3D Measurement of Erosion Wear

When it is not possible to perform a metallographic examination by taking a sample directly from a part to be checked, an investigation can be performed through a replica process. After a proper surface preparation, cellulose acetate sheets are used to make a copy or “replica” of the microstructure of the metal surface to be examined.

Risk Services

Westinghouse drives the global risk industry in delivering well-documented Probabilistic Risk Analysis (PRA) models that effectively balance detail, execution time and the required engineering skill necessary to effectively interpret and communicate the risk insights derived from these models.

Risk-informed Technical Specifications

For the past 10 years, the nuclear industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have been working together to develop Risk-informed Technical Specifications (RITS) to enhance plant safety and improve plant operations. Of the eight initiatives set forth by the partnership, many are currently available for plant implementation. The remaining initiatives will be available in the near future.

Risk-informed Technical Specifications for the Boiling Water Reactor Plants

For the past 15 years, the nuclear industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have been working together to develop Risk-informed Technical Specifications (RITS) to enhance plant safety and improve plant operations. Following analysis and methodology development by the industry and subsequent approval by the U.S. NRC, the initiatives set forth by this partnership are now essentially complete and are available for plant implementation. The implementation of the initiatives is facilitated by the Technical Specification Task Force travelers (TSTFs).

Risk-informed Technical Specifications for the Pressurized Water Reactor Plants

For the past 15 years, the nuclear industry and the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) have been working together to develop Risk-informed Technical Specifications (RITS) to enhance plant safety and improve plant operations.

RV Closure Head Ductwork Optimization

Reactor Vessel Closure Head (RVCH) disassembly and reassembly activities are major considerations when it comes to a refueling outage’s critical path schedule, personnel radiation exposure, critical containment resources, foreign material exclusion (FME) control, personnel safety and cost. Ductwork associated with the cooling of the control rod/element drive mechanisms has to be disassembled every outage and then reassembled again prior to start up. To help our customers improve this process, Westinghouse offers a solution that reduces outage duration, polar crane dependency, personnel risk, dose and overall manhours.

Secondary Side Condition Monitoring and Operational Assessment (SS-CMOA)

Designed as a diagnostic planning tool, Westinghouse’s Secondary Side Condition Monitoring and Operational Assessment (SS-CMOA) is a living document that evaluates the secondary side of the steam generator (SG) and interfacing systems.

Seismic PRA Capabilities

For decades, Westinghouse has been supporting the nuclear industry as a full-scope seismic probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) provider, offering capabilities ranging from risk-analysis and risk-informed applications, new plant licensing and Post-Fukushima requirments.

SHIELD® Passive Thermal Shutdown Seal for Reactor Coolant Pumps

Westinghouse developed the SHIELD® passive thermal shutdown seal as a passive means of protecting the reactor core. It prevents a loss of reactor coolant system (RCS) water inventory should an event occur that causes a loss of all seal cooling. The SHIELD passive thermal shutdown seal is proven to significantly reduce or eliminate leakage from the reactor coolant pump (RCP) seal with no operator action, power or control logic required.

Simplified Head Assembly

Reactor head disassembly and reassembly activities are major considerations when it comes to the refueling outage critical path schedule, personnel radiation exposure, critical containment resources, personnel safety and cost. The Westinghouse integrated head package (IHP) is an enhanced equipment design that offers a significant improvement in outage time. The IHP includes features specifically designed to reduce the efforts associated with disassembling and reassembling the reactor head in support of plant refueling.

Small bore embedded piping internal inspection and corrosion elimination

Solving corrosion-related issues is a major challenge for the worldwide ageing fleet of nuclear power plants, looking for LTO (long-term operation). While utilities can proceed to replacements for many pipes affected by corrosion, a replacement strategy is not always possible. Other maintenance solutions are required for inaccessible or embedded pipes. Moreover, for those pipes which cannot be replaced, internal inspection and corrosion removal become an even greater technical challenge if the pipe’s diameter is small and when the remote access to the zone of interest requires to travel through bended sections and elbows.

Solid State Protection System (SSPS) Refresh

As nuclear power plants are reaching 50-year milestones, the aging of system components needs to be considered – including those that are part of a Solid State Protection System (SSPS).

Solid State Protection System Printed Circuit Card Upgrades

Westinghouse has developed new printed circuit cards for use in the solid state protection system (SSPS). The replacement printed circuit cards are the same in form, fit and function as the original cards, but also address obsolescence of the Motorola High Threshold Logic (MHTL) devices, which are designed to enhance reliability and include improvements for maintenance.

Specialized Structural Analysis and Design Capabilities

Westinghouse provides full-scope structural capability, including seismic and dynamic analysis and design to address utility needs for both nuclear safety-related and conventional industrial buildings and structures.

Specialty Welding & Machining

Westinghouse provides implementation of schedule/quality-critical mechanical projects and specialty welding applications for power facilities.

Staffing Solutions

Working in both union and non-union environments, Westinghouse Staffing Solutions provides staff augmentation, managed services, direct placement, payrolling and seconded services for a full range of talent acquisition workforce solutions.

Standard Inspection

"Our standard inspections provide robust and precise solutions. We also are able to adapt to changing outage schedules through our access to more than 80 NDE qualified individuals trained for nuclear site work globally. We use experienced people and also have a strong internal development process.

Steam Generator Engineering Product Portfolio

Westinghouse offers steam generator (SG) engineering services in the areas of component design and analysis, chemistry, diagnostics, and materials engineering, with the mission to: Provide engineering solutions that extend the life of the SGs, optimize plant performance and reduce the overall cost to maintain SGs, while meeting regulatory requirements. Integrate engineering with field services to provide coordinated inspection, repair and engineering services to optimize performance and extend the life of the SGs. Provide best-practice engineering analyses in support of plant performance improvement programs. Apply leading-edge technology to support utility asset management programs. Provide industry licensing leadership through development of low-risk licensing strategies.

Steam Generator Primary Side Services Product Portfolio

Steam generator (SG) primary side services include a complete range of primary side maintenance and repair services to support utility SG management programs. Our fullscope integrated service capabilities have been proven to significantly reduce outage durations, minimize radiation exposures and deliver high-quality results. In addition, the unique specialty services we offer have established our product portfolio as the broadest in the industry.

Steam Generator Scale Profiling

Secondary side tube deposits can have an adverse effect on steam generator (SG) operation. Unless properly maintained, SGs can be subject to performance degradation as a result of tubing corrosion and steam pressure reduction.

Steam Generator Secondary Side Services Product Portfolio

Westinghouse’s steam generator (SG) secondary side services include a complete range of inspection, maintenance and cleaning services to provide customers with options to best meet their long-term strategic goals for SG performance and integrity.

System Support Services (S3)

Background S3 is an integrated Westinghouse I&C technical support program through which our customers are provided with access to platform and application-specific Subject Matter Experts (SME) who can quickly respond to emergent I&C issues, as well as address long-term system planning and performance objectives.

Talent Sharing

Virtually all nuclear utilities are facing ever-increasing personnel and financial pressures. The aging work force and demand for talent from regulators and new nuclear plants are creating skill gaps. Financial pressures are increasing in today’s sluggish economy, forcing utilities to optimize the size and skill sets of their staffs.

Thermal Sleeve Direct Wear Measurement

Reactor Pressure Vessel Head (RPVH) Thermal Sleeve (TS) flange wear failure is a known ageing phenomenon on PWR plants. Westinghouse offers a direct visual inspection system capable of accurately assessing Thermal Sleeve and adaptor wear, as well as locating any flange debris in the adaptor housing. The inspection tools are delivered by a tool carrier for an ALARA-optimized inspection.

Turbine Control and Protection

Westinghouse has developed common turbine control solutions for pressurized water reactors (PWRs) and boiling water reactors (BWRs). The highly reliable Westinghouse turbine control protection system (TCPS) provides redundant control functions such as speed and overspeed control, load control, steam pressure control, valve testing, frequency control and turbine protection. The base control system can easily be expanded to provide additional functionality such as automatic turbine startup (ATS), moisture separator reheat (MSR) and the generator monitoring and turbine protection system (TPS).

Uprating Programs Technology

Nuclear power plant uprating is a timely and cost-effective way to provide incremental electric generation. Westinghouse has successfully implemented more than 150 plant upratings, providing more than 5000 MWe of additional power generation worldwide.

Valve Program Management

The goal of Valve Program Management (VPM) is to maintain the safety-related and important-to-safety-related valves’ reliability so that they can perform the design basis requirements for the life of the plant. While this may be simply stated, the actual management and implementation of the program is a complex and comprehensive task that, if performed effectively, results in increases in both plant reliability and capacity factors.

Valve Services

As a full-service integrated valve and actuator maintenance company, Westinghouse performs preventative and predictive maintenance services and diagnostic testing on valves and actuators of all manufacturing types. We leverage our industry-recognized training programs, integrated project management approach and our First-Time Quality process to ensure that our customers’ most complex valve projects are completed on time and on schedule.

Valves - Spare Parts & Replacements

Westinghouse Parts Business maintains the expertise and brings industry-proven teaming partners together to provide utilities with turn-key valve asset management solutions including spare parts fulfillment, custom parts kits, reverse engineering, repair, and replacement valve assemblies for code, safety and non-safety related applications.

Visual inspection for Control Rod Drive Mechanism (CRDM) canopy seals

The lower canopy seal Weld is a weld between the reactor vessel head control rod drive mechanism (CRDM) latch housing and the reactor vessel head (RVH) penetration adapter. This weld has a tendency to develop cracks as a result of stress corrosion cracking (SCC) and/or original weld defects. These cracks spread through the walls and create leakage.

Water Jet Services

Westinghouse Electric Company now offers access to the largest state-of-the-art water jet machining center in the Northeastern United States, providing clients with a faster cutting solution for a wide array of material types, sizes and thicknesses. Customers can now have their large or difficult projects completed in a fraction of the time and cost.

Westinghouse Advanced Manufacturing

Background Westinghouse is known around the world for game-changing technologies and innovation. We are maintaining that legacy today by making notable strides in the research, development and implementation of advanced manufacturing solutions for the nuclear industry. With these advanced technologies, Westinghouse is developing new products and services to provide innovative solutions for our customers. These technologies are driven by safety, quality and manufacturing excellence, and are resulting in lead-time and manufacturing cost reductions.

Westinghouse Boiling Water Reactor Training Services

Westinghouse has provided training services for boiling water reactor (BWR) plants since 1980. These training programs combine formal classroom instruction with hands-on lab exercises to maximize student learning and skills development

Westinghouse Common Q Post Accident Monitoring System (PAMS) Solution

Many nuclear utilities installed their post-accident monitoring instrumentation using technology from the late 1970s and early 1980s. In this rapidly changing technological environment, component obsolescence and ever increasing operations and maintenance (O&M) costs are a growing concern. To address this, Westinghouse is pleased to offer a modernized PAMS using its common qualified (Common Q™) platform.

Westinghouse Common Q™ Platform

With one of the largest safety-related installed bases in the world, the Westinghouse Common Qualified — or Common Q™ — safety-grade instrumentation and control (I&C) platform is approved by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) and other nuclear regulators worldwide for both new plant build applications and operating plant safety system upgrades. The Common Q platform is safe, reliable, easy to service and supported for long-term operations.

Westinghouse Contaminated Machine Shop

Westinghouse’s Waltz Mill Shop and Service Center is dedicated to providing customers with a high level of excellence when it comes to refurbishing rotating equipment components. Integrated in these shop operations is a contaminated machine shop with capabilities to refurbish contaminated and/or safety-related nuclear plant equipment.

Westinghouse Mechanical Testing

The Westinghouse engineers, technicians and staff who specialize in evaluations through laboratory testing of irradiated and non-irradiated materials provide experimental evidence to support materials and processing solutions for its customers while supporting industry technical initiatives.

Westinghouse Nuclear Training Website

The Westinghouse Customer Training Website is a portal to the extensive catalog of training programs offered by Westinghouse. The Website provides customers with a streamlined process for identifying and registering for scheduled courses. Westinghouse offers customized and on-site courses to meet individualized training needs.

WINCISE (Westinghouse In-Core Information Surveillance & Engineering)

WINCISE™ (Westinghouse In-Core Information Surveillance & Engineering) is an operational support system that uses Westinghouse technology licensed by the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) to obtain an accurate, continuous core power distribution measurement.