Risk Applications can provide significant benefits to plant performance and O&M costs, but upfront investments can deter some from the application. By combining proven plant experience with a collaborative approach, we develop strategies that maximize the net benefit of risk-informed applications to ensure you see a return on that investment.
Using several software platforms we develop online risk management solutions such as risk monitoring models, which accurately assess risk during Work Management planning, provide near real-time risk information to the Control Room Operators, and provide for the timely use of the Risk-Informed Extended Completion Time application.
Our teams can perform the full scope of the required Technical Specification Surveillance Test Interval Extension evaluation per NEI 04-10. Our tools and processes minimize the costs of performing these evaluations, increasing the pool of cost-beneficial test interval extensions.
Those seeking to adopt the Risk-Informed Extended Completion Times (RICT) application can leverage our expertise to complete the required deliverables including the License Amendment Request, program procedures, training and the real-time risk monitoring tool optimization.
The purpose of 10 CFR 50.69 is to allow for implementation of alternative treatments of low safety significant components which allows for an increased focus on high safety significant (HSS) components.
The overall goal is to identify Systems, Structures, Components (SSCs) in the systems classified as safety related and determine whether they can be additionally categorized as low safety significant (LSS) in order to make special treatments voluntary.
Those seeking to adopt the RICT application, can leverage our expertise to complete the required deliverables including the License Amendment Request, program procedures, training and the real-time risk monitoring tool optimization.
Our experts assist global customers in their planned and emergent regulatory interactions with strategies, risk insights and partial- to full-scope document development.
Our innovative tools can streamline data management for PRA models. Current tools (and scheduled improvements) allow efficient development and review during model development, and more importantly, semi-automated model updates as required by the risk-informed regulations.
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