Reactor Services
Westinghouse has been providing premier customer-focused reactor services since 1968 for hundreds of plant outages worldwide.
The experience and qualification of our personnel, combined with our broad service base as an OEM for both PWRs and BWRs, has made Westinghouse the foremost supplier of reactor services.
Through the years, the reactor services product portfolio has evolved to encompass tool maintenance; fuel inspection and equipment repair services; seal table services; cavity decontamination; radiation exposure reduction tooling; and fuel handling equipment upgrades. The goal is to optimize reactor services through an integrated process improvement methodology that involves teaming, training and technology, resulting in reduced exposure, cost and schedule. This has enabled Westinghouse to enhance the refueling process through consolidation and coordination of refueling operations, repairs, services and upgrades making Westinghouse the vendor of choice for those utilities striving for cost effective performance.
Refueling Services
- Electrical disconnects/reconnects
- Reactor disassembly/reassembly
- Fuel Movement
- Insert change-outs
- Stuck-stud removal
- Equipment maintenance
- Transfer system maintenance
- Manipulator crane maintenance
- Reactor vessel inspections
- Polar crane operation and maintenance
- Other core empty activities
- Refueling tool and maintenance upgrades
- Diving services
- Vacuum refill services
- Foreign object search and retrieval (FOSAR)
Fuel Inspection and Repair Services
- In-can sipping
- Ultrasonic inspection
- In-mast sipping
- Fuel component corrosion measurement
- Fuel rod corrosion and profilometer measurement
- Visual inspection
- Post-irradiated examinations (PIE)
- Fuel dimensional measurements
- Gamma characterization of fuel rod, fuel components and rod internal pressure
- Fuel assembly reconstitution
- Fuel assembly/reassembly (re-caging)
- Cleaning of fuel rod crud
Other Services
- Seal table assembly/disassembly
- Flux thimble tube cleaning
- Flux thimble tube replacement
- Flux thimble tube eddy current
- Cavity decontamination
- Refueling equipment maintenance
- Reactor equipment upgrades
- Funnel welding
- Reactor vessel loop plugs