Analysis Committee

The Mission

The Mission of the Analysis Committee (ASC) is to utilize its membership’s knowledge and experience to improve plant safety, resolve emergent issues, improve plant operational margins, and implement cost improvements at member’s sites.

Our Values

Safety Analysis is the analytical framework that demonstrates the safe operation of a nuclear facility. The value that the Analysis Committee brings is the ability to simulate complex phenomena and leverage both utility and vendor expertise to support safe and cost-effective performance of nuclear plants on a cost-shared basis.

The ASC strives to develop positions, methods, processes, and tools that provide great value to the membership to solve emergent issues generically, identify cost-effective improvements to plant operation, and support improvements to Emergency Procedures.

Core Teams & Focus Areas

Dose Core Team
The Dose Core Team identifies and oversees ASC activities that improve analytical margin for responding to emergent issues, improving loading pattern economics, relaxing dose-related Technical Specification limits, and influencing plant modifications.

Fuel Core Team
The Fuel Core Team is toidentifies and oversees ASC activities that improve analytical margin to fuel-related limits (e.g. DNBR, LOCA, Fuel Mechanical, etc.), improve outage duration by relaxing requirements for physics testing, resolving emergent issues that challenge thermal limits, and improving fuel-related Technical Specifications.

Transient Core Team
The Transient Core Team is to identifies and oversees ASC activities that simulate plant accident responses to improve the bases for Emergency Procedures, to develop positions and approaches to generic NRC regulations, to reduce refueling outage durations, and to improve plant operation.

B&W Focus Group
The B&W Focus Group implements the ASC mission for the B&W plants to maximize value obtained from the PWROG and to integrate the collective expertise of the B&W SMEs.

CE Focus Group
The CE Focus Group implements the ASC mission for the CE plants to maximize value obtained from the PWROG and to integrate the collective expertise of the CE SMEs.


Additional Resources

Key Contacts
Brian Mount - ASC Chairman
Danielle Page Blair - ASC Program Director