Procedures Committee


The mission of the PWROG Procedures Committee (PSC) is to provide leadership in the identification and resolution of operations and procedure issues, and to develop, modify and implement operations procedures that contribute to the safe and efficient operation of PWR plants.


The vision of the PSC is to leverage the strengths of the PWR Owners Group to enhance the quality of member utilities’ operations procedure suites and serve as the focal point for interactions with the NRC, other nuclear industry groups for operations and procedure-related issues, and international PWROG and non-PWROG utilities and international industry groups.

Core Teams/Focus Areas

Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) Maintenance
Directly satisfies NRC expectations with respect to maintaining the EOP's to ensure they are technically and operationally correct by incorporating into the EOPs industry experience, generic design changes and new knowledge that could affect the safety of emergency operations.

Severe Accident Management Guidelines (SAMG) Maintenance
Maintains the technical accuracy and functionality of the generic SAMG products to an extent that will be expected when the NRC updates their Reactor Oversight Process (ROP), incorporating into the SAMGs industry experience, generic design changes and new knowledge that could affect SAMG strategies.

Emergency Operating Procedure (EOP) Steering Committee
The objective of the EOP Steering Committee is to provide leadership, strategy and resolution for EOP and operations issues. The committee will approach such issues in a consensus manner with a goal of providing value to the Procedures Committee (PSC) with cost-effective solutions/recommendations that can be solved generically, if possible.

Reactivity Management Working Group

Additional Resources

Key Contacts

  • Jay Lavasseur - Chairman
  • Laura Genutis - Program Director