Reactor Coolant Pump / Reactor Coolant Systems Working Group


The mission of the PWROG Reactor Coolant Pump (RCP) / Reactor Coolant Systems (RCS) Working Group is to bring domestic and international utility members together to share lessons learned, operating experience and resolve common issues in a cost-effective manner.


The vision of the RCP/RCS Working Group is to continue expanding our knowledge retention database for the future generation of nuclear power through collaboration and strong technical rigor.


The full benefit of the RCP Working Group is realized by its members and the support it provides them. Sometimes these benefits are quantitative with specific deliverables that can be shown, but other times the benefits are harder to perceive. These benefits are just as valuable, if not more, than some of the technical projects being performed. The following list highlights the benefits of the RCP Working Group and specific examples of the cost savings it has produced:

  • Lessons Learned from Specialized Maintenance Projects – The ability to share lessons learned within 6 months of an issue occurring benefits everyone attending the RCP Working Group and even the utility sharing the lessons learned. No other platform allows for sites to freely discuss the ins and outs of their latest project and the difficulties that they run into. The RCPs are unique from the rest of the plant and require specific attention.

  • Development of Knowledgeable Industry Contacts – The twice a year RCP/RCS Working Group meeting provides a place for new and seasoned RCP professionals to gather. Meeting your peers in an environment that fosters a working relationship with RCP experts allows for a better understanding of who to contact during an event that needs immediate attention.

  • Specialized Vendor OEM Discussions – This is a unique venue for the vendors to display their technical expertise and innovation to the entire RCP industry at once. The OEMs can help utility members work through issues that are either discussed during the roundtable session or during a utility member presentation.

  • OE Sharing and Training Opportunity – One of the most important aspects of the nuclear power industry is OE and training. Normally OE is shared through email and training at individual sites. The RCP Working Group provides the perfect platform for utility members to present directly to the industry and get instantaneous feedback. By discussing each issue individually and in a group setting, everyone attending the meeting gets invaluable training on plant specific issues that may occur at their plant sometime in the future. This kind of training is instrumental in the development of newer RCP engineers and a needed refresher for more seasoned engineers.

  • Shared Costs for Specific Issue Resolutions – When an issue in the industry arises, the RCP/RCS Working Group can dig into the problem and address it with the help of the entire membership. The cost to do an analysis on an issue can then be shared across the utilities to help minimize the impact on individual sites. Examples of this can be seen throughout the projects listed below in the next section.

  • Prompt Response During Critical Events – The RCP/RCS Working Group can react and send pertinent information to utility members that need expedited information. This contact can be made through phone calls, emails or the RCP Working Group online discussion board. Maintaining the integrity of the group and personal relationships ensures this process remains robust.

Additional Resources

Key Contacts

  • Ryan Siddens - RCP/RCS Chairman
  • Damian Mirizio - RCP/RCS Program Director