Risk Management Committee


The mission of the PWROG Risk Management Committee (RMC) is to collectively leverage the benefits gained by the use of risk technology in order to sustain the long-term viability of the nuclear industry with the intent of improving safety, reducing burden and obtaining operational benefits needed to sustain the current fleet.

They expand the use of risk concepts into traditional deterministic approaches such that there is a graded approach using PRA insights and the understanding of margin to balance decision-making and resource allocation.

They implement a common strategy that focuses on knowledge retention, engagement and communication of risk concepts and risk insights by supporting a “one voice” approach in the development, training, implementation, oversight and interface between internal and external stakeholders.

Core Teams/Focus Areas

Future Risk Informed Applications

  • Ultimate Heat Sink Temperature Limits
  • Risk-informed Security
  • Dose Analysis Margin
  • Improvement Process
  • Risk-informing Aging Management

Models and Maintenance Optimization

  • Engage with NRC and EPRI on HRA methods
  • Drive digital I&C open issues to resolution
  • Model structuring and software practices to optimize quantification time
  • Assess new dependency analysis method and support NDM peer review
  • Monitor and engage as appropriate with development of methods for modeling of HRA for digital systems

Current Regulatory Industry Conduit

  • Lessons Learned from Risk-Informed Application Inspections and Implementation of RICT 50.69
  • Coordinate with other RMC core teams on resolving issues with ASME Standard/RG 1.200 implementation

Knowledge Management & Retention

  • Look at ways to improve/support qualifications and training of new PRA Analysts
  • Develop Process/Roadmap to identify knowledge gaps and what needs to be captured

Additional Resources

Key Contacts

  • Keith Vincent - RMSC Chairman
  • Jay Boardman - RMSC Program Director